About Us

Our Mission

Meet Our Team

Lake HVAC was founded in 1975. For more than 40 years, we have built and maintained quality HVAC systems for industrial, commercial, institutional, and high tech/life-science clients in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. We work with general contractors, developers, facilities departments, and engineering firms to ensure that our clients receive efficient, reliable, and cost-effective solutions for their HVAC systems. Our professional experience in HVAC installation service and design ensures your project will maintain long-term functionality, efficiency and return on investment.

Explore the Lake Timeline!


Lake HVAC was incorporated as a Sheet Metal Fabrication and Installation Contractor.


Started Service Division for equipment start-up & emergency service.


Relocated to our present headquarters in Stoneham.


Started Pipe Division to become full service Mechanical Contractor.

Our Services

Lake HVAC has extensive expertise in the installation of HVAC systems which include sheet metal installation, mechanical piping, start-up and controls/building automation systems. Once a project is complete, we are able to provide emergency service and preventative maintenance to ensure optimized efficiency.

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In-House Coordination

Our coordination team develops conceptual design drawings into high-level 3D models. We use the latest BIM modeling programs and clash detection software to create drawings that have a high level of accuracy. Working closely with other trade disciplines, our modeling allows the team to identify potential fit issues/clashes virtually. By modeling and coordinating a project, we can then fabricate materials before installers arrive to the jobsite. This allows for a high level of efficiency and accuracy when sheet metal and pipe installations are in progress. With this process, we are able to provide accurate As-Built drawings when a project is complete.

Field Coordination

Our standard procedure for success is for our field team to collaborate with our BIM Coordination team and Project Managers to approve internally. We have the knowledge, capability & equipment to layout a project using Trimble’s laser-guided robot. Once the client and design team has approved the submission, we begin the layout of the project for installation.  This provides substantial time savings in the field as well as real time coordination with other construction trades.

Our Affiliations